Safezone FOV Fix
Removes the FOV reduction that happens when you enter a safe zone. No more motion sickness when trying to parkour around the church or climbing antennas, and the game decides to zoom in for no reason.
This mod is broken by most events. If it doesn’t work, play the game in offline mode.
Edits the “player_variables.scr.”
Normally, when you enter a safe zone (of any kind), the game will reduce your FOV by 10. This means that if you’re playing on the default FOV (+0), you end up getting an even lower horizontal FOV of 75°, when the game is normally at 87°. Even with a +20 FOV, you are still going from an FOV of 109° to an FOV of 99°, which is a pretty huge jump, especially if you’re used to playing other games at a higher FOV.
In order to maintain a normal FOV inside safe zones, you would have to raise your FOV past the value that you would actually want it to be, but then you end up getting used to the new, higher FOV and the end result is that you still get motion sick when doing parkour inside safe zones.
This mod fixes that by changing Param(“CameraDefaultFOVReduction”, “-10.0”) to Param(“CameraDefaultFOVReduction”, “0.0”). This way, nothing changes at all when you go inside a safe zone. Note that this does not change the FOV zoom when having conversations with NPCS.