Removable Accessories and Gear Pieces
Enables you to remove end game loot and DLC accessories such as the Renegade Mask, Champion’s Skull, Ciro’s hats, and more (Carnage Manica included).
— Renegade accessories (masks, helmets)
— Ronin DLC separate gear items
— Authority DLC separate gear items
— Bloody Ties DLC endgame rewards (accessories, Carnage Manica)
— Pilgrim’s separate gear items
— extract .pak file from the .7z file
— transfer file to (your drive):\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dying Light 2\ph\source
Note: If you have any pre-existing mods installed, rename the file of this mod to any number higher by one than your pre-existing mod files.
For example: Pre-existing mod file: data3.pak, data4.pak
Removable Accessories “data3.pak” > “data5.pak”
Important: Should any of the files overlap with those of your pre-existing mods, you will have to compile them. If you’re using Notepad++, make sure you’ve got the Compare plugin installed.