RealGraphics 2
This graphics mod improves the immersion in the game and, of course, the picture itself, making it more realistic.
All screenshots were taken with low graphics settings.
Installing RealGraphics 2:
1. Download and unpack the archive to the game folder
2. Go into the game > open ReShade > select from above, click on the strip and select RLGraphics 2.ini
3. Done!
Installing ReShade:
1. Download and install ReShade – https://moddingfile.com/hdhxpf4ldc8y/ReShade_Setup_5.7.0.rar.html
2. Open and select the path to DyingLightGame_x64_rwdi.exe
3. Click Next
4. Choose Microsoft DirectX 10/11/12
5. Click Browse and select RLGraphics 2.ini
6. Click Next(x2)
7. Finish!