Pk Tank armor
Pk Tank based armor. For those who want the comfort of steel during the apocalypse.
First off, Shout-out to Doc-OnHoliday. When I first picked up on these new systems he was the only modder to actually help me and explain the fundamentals.
I strongly suggest using his I am Legion mod as this adds to the immersion of the game and changes how you play.
I will not be implementing my skins over any singular armor pieces etc.
So after a month of figuring out the systems for editing files on here I finally made something that should have been implemented since DAY 1…actual armor.
This is a passion project. I may take requests in the future but as for now I will upload my pre-constructed models when I feel they are ready. As of posting this I have 7 fully constructed armor sets that need fine tuning. They are all tailored to an actual “Tank” class. So being fully armored in various assets is what those 7 models have in common.
Now lets talk BUGS
1. I am aware that the hand is floating. This is beyond my control. The armor pieces are not made for the Player, they are made for NPCs. So the game does not register most of these as Solid. So you will see a floating pair of hands that are made for the player. I have used the NPCs hand models and the results are worse. Meaning sure, they match to the forearm but suffer from the extreme immersion breaking BUG
2. Your forearms while appearing solid to the outside world, while using 2 handed weapons you will see the handles through them. Jumping back to Bug 1, this is due to the game not registering any of these assets as “player” pieces. I cannot correct this.
3. I am aware that the chest piece is missing the bottom half. As explained by Doc-OnHoliday this is due to the missing “bone” in the players skeleton, so the bottom half gets sucked into your torso. Again I cannot correct this as when I do the players skeleton collapses in on itself in Tpp (third person). And if corrected in Fpp (first person) when you equip the outfit you fall through the worldspace.
4. You will experience facial clipping on swings based on your FOV. I personally play with 35 fov so I tailored most models to prevent as much clipping as possible ****IN 35 FOV****. You will sometimes see through the Pauldrons (shoulder armor).
5. The Left hand is askew when using 2 handed weapons. I am not sure if that is due to me or the Devs as when I figured out how to implement a player hand I noticed it further along development.
So overall these models all suffer from the same problems, floating hands and see through forearms with player weapons. When the devs release proper tools for custom outfits most of these minor bugs will be addressed. Until then however, this is all I can do. I did a thorough playthrough with all 7 to see if my immersion was broken, and honestly it was not. If anything the comfort of the metal on my character while parading around an apocalyptic city helped. These were developed for the people who want to play as a “tank” in actual steel rather than thick fabric.
I was one of many who requested the Pk Metal armors and I took the time to learn how to do it, so here ya go.