Legend 250 Save with EE items Broomstick and Hoverboard
Legend 250 save with almost if not all LP chests unopened, includes broomstick and hoverboard. I believe this save has everything except the volatile mask and Christmas event rewards. The save is from Huysen, the broomstick I added with Bubs Exploration mod made by Bub and the hoverboard I added with Easter Stash Updated by Vyr0511 and Lahey.
Always create a backup save if you care about your Playthrough!!!
Create a new save by going to campaign and starting a new run, once you can control Aiden return to title screen and exit game.
Now open your userdata folder for Dying Light 2 and find the new save you just made, it should be the last updated file and/or the save_main with the highest number at the end.
Now download and extract this save file in your downloads or wherever you like, the file should be named save_main_1.sav. You may need to change the number on the end of the file to match the new save you just added, for instance the new save game you just made could be save_main_2.sav just change my file you downloaded to match that number.
Now simply drag the save into your folders destination and replace the file in destination. Once done you can start the game and have access to everything and since its a save file and not a mod it is fully playable online. I lost my original playthrough so I figured I’d upload this save since I feel like it will be easier for the next person in my situation.
Thanks to Huysen For his 250 Legend save.
Thanks to Bubs for the Broomstick/exploration mod.
Thanks to Vyr0511 and Lahey for the Hoverboard/Easter Stash Mod.
Hope you all enjoy if you know of anything cool I should update to this save feel free to post!
Also plz be careful not to lose your original save a backup is as simple as creating a new folder anywhere on your pc and just copying your save to it.
Also this does have Crane, Rais, and Brecken bundle, I do believe the only thing missing is the volatile mask and Christmas event stuff but I could be wrong if I am feel free to post what else is missing.