Huge Elemental Damage- Weapons Damage Increase
This mod allows you to increase the damage values of your weapons + elemental mods damage value(except empowerment). Forget about 500-600 damage weapons and say hello to godly 2k+ damage weapons.
This damage increases the damage values of your weapons and elemental mods. To change these values i ve made some personal changes in damagedefinitions.scr using Notepad++. It s nothing hard but it s little different than other mods because the file location for damagedefinitions.scr(file which you have to replace) is in DATA 0.pak (main file of the game).
How to install the mod:
1) Go to data0.pak in PH/Source
2) Scripts
3) Scroll down untill you find Damagedefinitions.scr
4) Make a save backup file of that ORIGINAL file
5) Drag my mod file to replace the otiginal one in the location specified
6) Open the game, enjoy !!!
If you downloaded my mod pack with ,,merged mods for NG+” , remove the damagedefinitions.scr file from data5.pak so they won t overwritte each other. In data 5 all i did is to change the damage value for pk crossbow, now i changed for almost all gear. Check in your files not to have the same file in other data.paks too and it should work fine. I can also edit a special file with special values in the near future with over 10k damage weapons . If you’d like to see this leave a comment and who knows? Maybe it’ll happen.