Hexxy’s 2019 Outfit Fixes
After spending way more time on this than I should have, here’s my remake of the old Aiden!
This mod is a remake of the E3 Aiden outfit colors and designs, since I wasn’t a huge fan of Colty’s or Sneed’s. This includes textures for his hood diffuse, torso diffuse, torso roughness, torso specular, pants diffuse, pants rougness, arm diffuses, arm normals, arm roughness, arm hair, gloves diffuse, face diffuse, face normal, face roughness, mask diffuse, and sleeves diffuse. I decided to also include my Waltz-scar-less arm textures and clean Aiden head textures since I wasn’t a huge fan of any others, given the fact they didn’t touch the normal or roughness maps. All content shown was decompressed using Cupscale, made using Photoshop, and saved via Paint.net, for anyone interested with what programs I used.