Dying Light 2 Ultimate Mod
Don’t feel like buying the ultimate edition and paying the extra $$ for it? I created my own ultimate edition my way. Now go slaughter some zombies the way you should be meant to. Enjoy night runners!
It allows for infinite immunity, toxic immunity, fall damage immunity, can’t be knockdown, all vendors should sell for free, God mode, triple night time xp, infinite weapon durability, increased item slots, increased inventory space to 999, max survivor sense range, highlight enemies, sell anything for 99 times the value.
I want to say thank you to my discord staff but of course to nexus for the amazing mods. This uses other mods but it is all combined into one data pak file.
This mod uses:
– (NRE) Night Runner Equipment – New Game Plus Transfer (1.10.3) created by ZakSnapped
– (IWMS) Items and Weapons Max Stats (1.10.3) created by ZakSnapped
– Maximum Weapon Mod Slots For All Weapons (Game ver.1.10.2p) created by No0bo7_aka_The_TutoriaL
— Extract “data3.pak” file from the 7-zip archive;
— Copy the exctracted file, in the “source” folder, where the game is installed. By default:
“Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dying Light 2\ph\source”
— If you already have a “Data3.pak”, change the name of the mod to “Data4.pak”, for example;
— Allways make a backup copy of you save files!!! (It is allways a good thing, in case something goes wrong)
— I advise, to not use this mod with any other version of the game, except the one, that is described.