Calmer – ReShade Preset
Cools and calms the vibrant colors of the game.
The overly bright and vivid colors really bothered me, so I made this little preset to calm down the visuals.
Comparison with slider
This is done by the LUT shader in ReShade to allow more precise control over the the image. It does not simply decrease color saturation, but is more targeted to green and orange shades and also grades the colors a little bit cooler and IMO, more realistic. The preset is using CAS for a light sharpening of textures and LUT for the color/lightness controls.
Go to the ReShade website and download it.
Extract the Calmer.ini preset file from my mod archive anywhere.
Start ReShade installation, select DL2 as the game and DX12 as the renderer (except if you’re using DX11)
The installer asks for a preset file, select the Calmer.ini you extracted.
Click next until it finishes.
Copy the lut.png from the archive to the “Dying Light 2\ph\work\bin\x64\reshade-shaders\Textures” -folder.
Start the game.
When in-game, you can open the reshade window and control the amount of chroma (color) and luma (lightness) you want the preset to affect from 0 (none) to 1 (maximum).
The luma at 1 makes the game “washed out” and this is on purpose to allow more personal choice, I myself am using a value of 0.500 for luma and 1.0 for chroma. There are the values the screenshots are taken with.