Better Survivor Sense (fixed takedown) and optional mod pack
TL;DR this is a fix for the takedown prompt disappearing when using the superior survival sense mod (probably works on increased survivor sense mod too.) I turned down the buffs just a little. Also fixed the not getting parkour XP issue.
This is really simple. I noticed with the other survivor sense mods I lost the takedown prompt. I decided to be stubborn and make my first mod! Because this game was surprisingly easy to edit, I just went into playervariables.scr and compared it to the original. I noticed some changes that may have an effect like a takedown max angle that was missing. I turned down some of the variables but just a but so it wasn’t cluttering up the screen. I found the links to notepad++ and simple instructions here: in case anyone wants to edit it.
I’m also including my entire merged mod pack, just put the data2.pak into ph/source. This is a mod fix mostly so I assume most people know where.
Merged mods:
Don’t Make Me Struggle (removes the F tapping all the time)
Inhibitor Quality of Life (highlights inhibitors on the map and screen forever, also question mark points)
More Loot
Physics are Back (Not sure if this one is working properly but causes no issues in my game)
No Intros
Remove Screen Clutter (no more newspapers and dirt)
Cheat Lockpicking (so much lockpicking)
Superior Survival Sense (duh)
P.s. To edit and create .pak files is as easy as renaming a .rar file. Enjoy!
EDIT: Noticed I got the parkour XP issue were it doesn’t work so I also fixed that.