Actually Difficult Lockpicking
I find that the lockpicking minigames in almost every game is much too easy and this game is no different… I made this VERY simple mod to make picking locks more of a challenge.
The lockpicking in this game is so incredibly easy that there is no reason to use lockpick upgrades or the quick unlock option and so this mode makes those upgrades and abilities more of a useful thing because unlike in the vanilla game this mod is intended to make the harder locks incredibly difficult for the average player and so those upgrades become much more useful to the player.
I made this mod so that all locks are pickable at any point in the game however some locks will be so difficult you will probably break most of your lockpicks attempting to do so. This will force you to upgrade your lockpicks before you can open harder locks OR at times you might get lucky with a harder lock and unlock it anyway.
If you don’t upgrade your lockpicks:
-You will break a lot of lockpicks on a single lock.
-You will run out of lockpicks.
-You probably will get frustrated at a master lock.
-And you probably will miss out on a lot of loot because you ran out of materials to craft lockpicks
Picking locks is meant to be hard.
I have not yet been able to test the mod with upgraded lockpicks however I’m sure it’ll be fine.
IF you have any suggestions or issues with this mod then feel free to say so, so that I can make it better