OMD’s Trick or Treat for Halloween
More treats (x10), no rank requirement for items, lower rank experience for rank, stash weapon unlocked, longer lasting potions (2 min)
All Masks unlocked an available in all Shops for cheap prices (20-30 gold)
Dying Laugh Outfit/Charm/Bat/Paraglider/Masks available in Aiden’s Stash
This mod give players x10 more treats (50-100) from each zombie (Biter) they kill so you can farm them faster.
Potions last longer (x4) 2 minutes
Rank experience requirement is half now (500 RP)
Rank level up gives now 5 Orange Crystals
Masks and Weapon unlocked at rank 1
Lowers the price for every item in Baka shop to 1 Treat
Dying Laugh Bat, Dying Laugh Charm, Dying Laugh Outfit and Dying Laugh Paraglider also unlocked in Aiden’s Stash
All Masks (Jack’o Mask included) can be also found in Aiden’s Stash ( have only 1 extra attribute )
All Masks (Jack’o Mask included) can be also be bought from every Shop (Vendor) at a cheap price (20-30 gold) and they have all attributes unlocked (4-5 depending on color)
PS: I tested and if you remove this mod, and you don’t have any other mod installed you keep all the masks/bat/charm that you already have. (The Outfit and Paraglider are only unlocked with mod)
Mod was tested, everything described works.
I still work on it, to add more stuff, so if you have any ideas feel free to leave a comment
Install Steps:
Download the archive with mod file.
Extract the file inside, called data2.pak.
If you already have a data2.pak rename my file to data3.pak or data4.pak and so on.
Copy the extracted/renamed file to \steamapps\common\Dying Light 2\ph\source
Launch the game.