Peacekeeper Pack
Play as the Peacekeepers alongside custom models.
This pack includes:
– Aglot
– Aitor
– Aiden
– Jack Matt
– PK Armored Aiden
– PK Armored Aitor
– PK Armored Hakon
– Wierzbowski
Hand fix:
If you’ve already used any of the following presets available, you’ll notice that these models will not hold anything correctly (Weapons, paraglider, etc). I’m unsure as for why this is the case since Aiden’s model holds everything just fine. But luckily I’ve found a way around it that works.
Every preset you use will now use your gloves if you have any equipped. Forcing gloves on these other models will let them hold everything correctly now. The issue will be reproduced if you decide to unequip them though. I don’t know if this is a bug, if it is then I’ll completely revert the change once it’s been fixed. If it isn’t then this will be the permanent solution for this issue that I’ve been able to find.
This mod replaces Aiden’s default model.
Place “data5.pak” inside of “source”.