100 percent game / New game plus. everything done / Update version
Here is my save file since the release the game, i just did nearly everything in the game and i want to share it to everyone who just want to have fun or dont have the time to grind.
Thats my save game since release and i want to share it to everyone, allmost everything is done just the some notes left from chapter 2 and challanges (because i done them before new game plus and dont want to make them again) but all the new challanges for the new DLC are done in gold and all notes are collect …. few modded weapons are also here so have fun and enjoy my save game.
“NEW” i collect the other note… big shoutout for the help a lot (Zazk)
“NEW” i do the alice in wonderland challange in gold but dont get the scarecrow weapon BP (wait for fix. is a familiar bug)
“NEW” i get some Quad damage Ka Dooms from with 1000 ammo (Zazk) but i left some original Ka Dooms there
“NEW” i get the Broom back (Dont put it in the stash otherwise it disappear (same for the Ka Doom)
“New” i added some new weapons from the arena so the glitched ones (also the godkiller)
“New” i collect a few outfits you ask me for
“New” Do every event that happend since the last update of my safe
“New” Legend lvl 250
“NOTE” thats not a modded save, yeah some weapons are modded or some items but thats all. I cant change the surviver to PKs or the NG+ to normal im sorry but it is a legit played save (the weapons dont count XD )
“HELP” if you play on steam go this path
C:\Program Files\Steam\userdata\921820612\534380\remote\out\save
then replace my save with an already existing save and change the number in the end ( for example i want to play the save on the third slot you have to change the number to 2) ( main_save_2)
“Progress” im on the way to do all the nightrunner challanges again so you dont have to go through the pain.
You want something? or need help? just write a comment. I try to help/ reply as fast as possible.